Thursday, August 19, 2010

More Goodies From Neighbors Garage Sale

My Mom happened to stop by to see if I wanted one of Burger Kings $1.00 burgers. Aw what an awesome Mom I have.  Anyhoo we both went to the neighbors sale across the street.  This is what my awesome Mom bought me.

I thought this was just too cute.  It will make a great fruit holder on my cabinet!

I loved this! It's a microwaveabe four cup measuring bowl. Each blue line is a cup.Goes up to four cups! Great for when I make brownies or a cake or whatever I'm baking at the time. Cost $.50.

Mom didn't buy me this!! I did!  I had a whole $.65 and got this for a dime.  I'm thinking this will be great for orange juice.  I also got an under bed holder for $.50.
This neat little lamp was only $1.00 .  There had been a set but by the time Mom and I got over there someone had bought one of them.  That's o.k.  all I really needed was one.  Think I'm putting this in my bedroom and taking the one I have and putting it into my guest/study room on an endtable/nightstand my neighbor gave me.

There were 12 candles in the box! Cost $.25! You can never have too many candles.  Hopefully I can find a candlabra (need spell check to see if this is correctly spelled LOL) to use some of these in.

And last but not least these beautiful glass coasters.  You can't really tell from the photo but there are 4 little fleur-de-lis surrounding the center design. These I will set next to the plates when I invite people over to eat.  They were $.10 each or $.50 for the set of five.

Aw what a haul!  I just love bargains!

1 comment:

  1. I love all your good deals. I especially like the glass coasters and that silver pitcher in the other post.
    Wish you were here so we could go garage saling together and thrifting. :(
    Miss you!!!!
