Friday, June 24, 2011

No Longer One Of Them

This is a fairly long post so please bear with me.  This has been on my mind for several weeks so I decided to just write this post to get it out of my heart and on to paper.  You might wonder why I keep putting Love in parenthesis out next to God.  That's because in 1 John 4:8 &16 (Amp) it states God is love.  When the Bible was translated they used the word God which was a German word which meant supreme being.  That could mean any god is your supreme being. So to clarify who I mean as God which is Love the creator of heaven and earth and everything you see and don't see.

One day during my quiet time with God (Love) this portion of verse from John 15:18 (Amp) stood out to me. NO LONGER ONE WITH IT.

John: 15:18 (Amp)

If you belonged to the world, the world would treat you with affection and would love you as its own. But because you are not of the world [NO LONGER ONE WITH IT], but I have chosen [selected[ you out of the world, the world hates (detests) you.

Ok, I knew my spirit man was born again when I asked Jesus into my heart years ago, but that did not mean my mind or body changed any.  God (Love) did not change my way of thinking or my body didn't just suddenly line up and be healed or made whole from whatever was the matter with it.  I suddenly started thinking about how so much of my speech and way of thinking is like the world's way of thinking and speaking.  I decided then and there with God's help to start changing the way I think to His way and the way I speak to His way. This one small portion of scripture started me to thinking about other scriptures.  i.e. Romans 12: 1-2 about making our body a living sacrifice and not being conformed to this world but renewing our mind on the Word of God (Love) and 2nd Timothy 2:15  study to show thyself approved, etc.

How many Christians hardly ever pick up their Bible to even see what God (Love) has to say to them on how to live a Godly pure life?  They just go on about their business and get more en grained with the world's way. How many simply go to church each Sunday and take what the minister is saying as truth? How many are deceived simply because they were too lazy or simply did not want to read and study the Word of God?  Too many I believe!!  There seems to be a lot of Christians who are just like the world, but I also know and realize there are  many more Christians who are not this way.  They live as best they can studying to show themselves approved by God, working on speaking and thinking God's way not the worlds.

 We as Christians have so much of the world's thinking or way of doing things en grained in us that we don't even realize it.  If you notice the worlds way of doing things is going downhill and believe me when it crashes you don't want to be caught in it.

Things on what we say such as "that just tickles me to death" or "I'm afraid". There are many things  that comes out of our mouth that are nothing but death words and not life words.  Here's a good one that I'm working on getting out of my vocabulary.  "I'm sick and tired---"!  Proverbs 18:20-21 talks about there being life and death in the power of the tongue and we will with the consequences of our words be satisfied whether good or bad.  I kinda used the King James and Amplified when I typed that scripture, but go look it up and read what it says.  We've picked up the worlds way of speaking. I for one want to change my words to words of Life and not death!!  You don't realize how much you do have of the world's words until you start working on lining your mouth up with the way God (Love) talks. Also think about this!  God created the world and everything you see and don't see by speaking.  Read the very 1st chapter in Genesis.  And God said--- is mentioned  quite a bit.  If we are created in His Image then we were created to speak things into our lives and too many, including me, have spoken death instead of life!!  So next time you wonder why something is going wrong in your life go back inspect two things 1)what words had you been speaking over the situation and 2)what had you been thinking for it states in Matthew 12:34 and Luke 6:45 "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh".  We create our world by what we speak!! So don't blame God for what's happening with your life check out your words and thinking.  Now I'm not saying everything that happens is a result of either of those, but I can almost say 98 to 99% of it is. Even the medical field is realizing just how much our words affect our body.

As for the way we think, well, how many people think it's ok to go into debt when God desires us  "To owe no one anything but love?" Romans 13:8.  Or a big one that a lot of people do is to sleep around  before you're married?  There are many ways we think that has to do with the way of the world, and I for one do not want to think or talk their way. Here's a scripture from Proverbs that says it all Proverbs 12:7A For as a man thinks so is he.

Now if some of you are doing these things I'm not condemning you.  Believe I've done my share of things that aren't pleasing to God. I pray that you decide to change your ways and follow how God (Love)  wants His children to act and talk. Look the only way any of us are going to be perfect is to go on to heaven, but while you are here on this earth why not make a decision to walk and talk like God (Love) to the best of your ability? Why not decide to read the Bible daily and talk to God (Love) daily?  He's just waiting for His children to come to Him and talk to Him and to learn about Him.  God's (Love) greatest desire is for you to have a relationship with Him so He can be the Father, Papa you've always wanted.  I realize a lot of people never had a good Father to show them much love or care for them, but you do have God (Love) who so wants to be a Father to you.  Today decide to change your way of thinking and speaking to God's way of thinking or speaking. Today decide to pick up your Bible and read about God and His promises for His children.  If you decide today to do this I can guarantee God will whole-heartedly meet you where you are at.  You will find there is nothing more fulfilling than delighting yourself in God and His Word.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


While browsing through someones link party(I can't remember whose or even what blog I went to wish I did so I could give them both credit) I came across a project someone had done out of a tin can and monopoly money.  I thought that would be fun and easy.  Now when you see mine you can have a good laugh.  It's not pretty but hey I am going to use it to put a plant in. Who knows how it's going to hold up but everything was free.  The tin cans, monopoly money and houses I got off Free Cycle. So for your viewing pleasure here is what I started with.

A gallon tin can, monopoly money and the green houses.  I only used the 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50 play money.  Using my handy dandy Mod Podge I glued the money all around the can.  There was a small space at the bottom where the money did not cover the can.  I started to put more of the money there but decided to glue the greens houses around the bottom.  For this I used Gorilla Glue.  When I finished with the houses at the bottom I thought the top looked  rather bare so I spaced some houses around the top.
Ok it's not beautiful or even pretty (hmm where have I heard that line at before anyone know?) but it was kinda fun doing it.  Since I have thirteen more houses I thought about spacing them equal distance between the ones at the top. What do you think?  Should I or shouldn't I?  I'm going to get an ivy and put it in the can, so maybe that will help make it look better. Course I am going to have to poke some holes in the bottom before I do that to help with drainage or I could put some pop corn and rocks in the bottom to help.  I have to think about which I want to do.  If I ever decide to do another one I am going to put the money in different ways, slanted, straight, etc. that way it will cover the top rim and bottom. 

Give me your honest opinion. Ugly or pretty?  Hey I can take it!! Anyway it's all in the fun of doing it!!! Which I really did enjoy doing except for getting Gorilla Glue on my fingers.  That stuff is hard to get off!!