Thursday, September 30, 2010


Well, you just got to see what else I found when I picked up the wonderful desk/dresser or whatever you want to call the piece I found on the curb.  VIOLA!!!

I know nothing really to get excited about, but you can't pass up a wreath that is great shape.  All it needs is a little TLC and removal of the flowers and some fall items put on it to make it perfect for my front door. OR maybe beside my front door.  I must have really lousy lighting in my home because everything is coming out with a yellow tint to it.  LOL  Well, as soon as I get both of my little beauties completely redone I will be showing you the after.  Guess I won't be eating much this late at night.  Maybe some popcorn to tide me over till breakfast tomorrow morning!!  Sleep well everyone!


My puppy and I headed for the bank today around 7:00 PM.  Yes, my bank stays open to 8:00, which is really great for me.  Any hoo  I decided to stop by Kwik Serv, a convenience store here in Duncan, to pick up a drink. About a half block up I found this wonderful curb find.

This is not the best picture.  It is 8:30 at night in my bedroom when I took this.  I tried to get a better exposure, but  all I have is a little Sony digital camera.  Actually it could be the one taking the picture who needs to be taught how to use the thing.  Well back to the desk.
I had been wanting something to put in my bedroom to use as a vanity, since the one I have is actually an old school desk. It needs a tad bit of work, but that's o.k.  This was really heavy, and I was unable to fit in my car. My wonderful neighbors pitched in and helped me.  One supplied the truck the other neighbor and his wife took the truck and me to the house to pick it up.  Awesome neighbors!  We help each other out a lot. Until I am able to work on this little baby I intend to clean it up and use it.  I'm think of painting it black, but who knows I might change my mind before then and paint it something else.  Any body have any suggestions on color feel free to leave a comment and let me know.  It will probably be next year since I have a lot of walls to paint in my house before Christmas and my family comes to stay with me.  Well, gotta go eat.  In all the excitement I haven't had time to stop and eat.  Isn't God good? When you least expect it you find something like this little beauty.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


You heard my complaints on a recent post about not having a job.  Well I have one!  Not full time, but 3 days a week, 5 hrs a day.  My brother-in-law, who is a hospice chaplain, called about one of his patients needing help cleaning her home and cooking a meal for her and hubby.   I went over while he was visiting them and talked with a wonderful little lady.  She has COPD and is unable to keep house or cook like she used to.  Her hubby is on Home Care and she is on hospice.  She is a talker!! You don't have to think about saying anything.  I really enjoyed talking with her and will start tomorrow.  I go in at 9:00 and leave at 2:00.  I  told her up front that I am looking for something full time and she had no problem with it.  At least I will be making some money to help pay the big majority of my bills. YEA AND PRAISE GOD HE IS SOO GOOD TO ME!!  Yesterday I had Express Personnel call, and see if I wanted to work temporary for a day.  I took it and worked 6 1/4 hours answering the phone.  I read most of the day between phone calls.  Kinda boring but was thrilled to be making some money!  I decided when I get a job I'm not going to complain about it.  I'm going in with the idea that I want to do my very best and be a light for Jesus to those around me.  I did my best before in every job I had but like most people always found something to complain about.  I don't want to fall into that trap again.  I figure if God gave it to me then He wants me to shine for Him while I am there.  Guess, He has really been working on me while I am off and has helped me change my attitude about some things.   This new job is a way to see if it was a complete change or just a temporary change.  I choose to believe it is a forever change!!!  

 I'm still praying  the one job I interviewed for will call me, but so far no!  They told me "soon" but what their soon is and what mine is are two different things.  I've called them two weeks in a row.  First week they called me back and the second week (last week) they still have not answered me back.  I figure what the hay I'm not calling anymore.  If I don't hear from them in the next week or two I'll just chalk it up to as they've already hired someone.  That was the one job I really, really wanted!!


ADDENDUM:  When I went to the job cleaning/cooking for the lady I mentioned above--her daughter and I went to get groceries.  WHile there I got a call from Express Personnel about a job in  Marlow at a place called Terraco Environmental.  It's an trucking company who does all types of oilfield work.  They needed someone to do their quick books.  It starts out working through Express Personnel on a 90 day lets see if this works out with me and then turns to permanent if they like my work.  God gave me the perfect place to work.  I'm seeing the flip side of freight billing from the freight companies side vs paying the freight bills I used to do while at Halliburton. AND bonus!! My favorite job at Halliburton was working as the freight resolution clerk until they started switching people to other jobs.  They just told us and we had to go!  Well, I'm really excited to see the opposite side of that!! YEA!!  I'ts a small office of just about 4 people, but generally I only see 2 of them and the others come sliding in sometime during the day very briefly.  When the lady leaves in two weeks I'll probably only be seeing 1 consistently during the day and he comes and goes during the day, so that leaves chunks of time by myself.  That's ok with me! This is the perfect job for me!! YEA  I LOVE IT!  GOD IS SOOOO GOOD  TO ME!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Decisions And Anger

Each decision you make in your life is very important.  Sometimes you don't always realize until later if that decision was right or wrong.  My first major big decision was to quit a good paying job I had in 2008.  I took early retirement from a company I had worked with for 15 years.  Reason: I was wanting out of the department I was in, but was never able to get a job in another dept.  I had people tell me "Brenda, you are too good of a worker and they won't let you go."  I told them if that was the reason I couldn't get out then it was wrong of them to hold me back.  I'm not saying that was the reason I never got out of the dept I'm just stating what some of my co-workers told me.  BUT that was not the major reason I left.  You would think I was old enough not to let my flesh rule but no I let it rule big time and got upset over something trivial.  I wanted to go to Florida to be with my family for Christmas vacation, but they had a rule you could only carry 2 days vacation after the 15th of Dec.  I tried to get them to work with me on the vacation but they wouldn't budge. I found out they were doing it for other people in the dept why not me?  The big majority of the people in the dept had family in the town I live in and did not have to go out of town.  OK I know this was childish but this was the last straw for me.  As stated I let my flesh rule so I gave my retirement notice.  I admit I did have a wonderful time in Florida!  But as a look back over the past two years of my life this was a major mistake.  I should have sucked it up and stayed.  The job I was in was not one I enjoyed. In June of that year I came back from vacation and was called into the bosses office.  I was told they were moving me from where I was, which I really enjoyed, to another one.  What can you say when you're told you are being moved.  I had to move.  There was no if ands or buts about it, so I moved.  I did not enjoy the job at all.  BUT I should have stayed despite how I felt.  Before I left for Florida an acquaitance told me about a receptionist job at a dr's office.  I went and talked to them and they told me they would hold the job until I got back.  That gave me a month to decide whether or not to take it.  When I got back I decided to take it.  It was something new and different and I thought it would be somthing I would enjoy.  I later found out the reason I had so much problem with the dr was because he did not want his wife to hire anyone.  He wanted here to remain as the receptionist, but she wanted out!

Well today marks 3 and 2/3 months since I left that  job.  The first month and half was great not having one but it has gotten to the point I'd much rather be working than staying at home.  I've had my days of despair and depression wondering why is it taking so blasted long to find something.  Could it be my age?? I'll be 57 in Oct. OR could it be that God is not through working on me?  I'm not sure which it is but  guess it could be a little bit of both.  I know I just want to learn quickly what God has for me to learn.  Could it be I need to learn to trust? I believe that is one thing during this time I am learning. 

It hasn't been easy this trust issue.  Maybe it's because all my life I've had a trust issue when it comes to people in authority. This was a big problem I had at the dr's office. I won't go into any detail except to say the man is an excellent dr, but he's lousy to his help.  I was becoming increasingly unhappy with the work atmposhere at the dr's office especially since they had hired a new nurse, but was willing to stick it out until I had paid off some bills.  The only problem was I was getting sick at least one time a week for the entire month of April.  Nausea, throwing up and dizzy which usually lead to me going home.  This did not make the dr nor his wife patricuarly happy.  One Sunday during church service I heard God plainly say it was time to quit. I was excited and really happy about the idea of leaving the place.  I did enjoy the patients, but that wasn't worth staying there. Now me being the person I am I immediately dove in and gave me resignation.  I really should have asked God when to resign but didn't.  I would have saved myself a lot of heartache if I had.  I gave a months notice thinking I was being nice and that it was the right thing to do.  The second day the new girl was there I was told I was no longer needed.  I was unable to get unemployment due to the fact that I had turned in my resignation before they let me go.  SO to say the least it has been a big faith walk these past 3 2/3 months.  God has been good and provided, but I am now at the point I WANT TO WORK!!  I  thank God for everyone who has helped me, but I want to get back to the point where it's like it states in 1st Corinthians 9:8 "And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work."  I'm ready to be sufficient in all things with the ability to pay all my own bills and also to bless others who are in need.  Ok, so I'm taking this scripture slightly out of text, but my point is I want to sufficient with the ability to pay my own bills.

Today was a rough day.  Anger set in! I was angry at God because I knew He was able to do something about my situation.  Crazy uh?  Why do we always expect Him to jump quickly for us?  Why do we treat Him as if He was Santa Claus and He should give us what we want?  I know I've been guilty of doing that and today was one of those times.  I had to do a lot of repenting to him for my thoughts, words and anger.  I've come to the decision no matter what God is still God!  His time is not my time and His thoughts or not my thoughts.  My part is to put Him first in my life each day and to stand on His Word no matter what it looks like.  I know the enemy wants us to think God is a liar, but HE IS NOT!!  Just as Solomon said in Ecclesiaties "To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven."   If I lose everything, which I believe will not happen, I am still going to trust in the Lord God Jehovah!! The God that is more than enough.  I want to lick this trust issue and come out as pure gold for His glory and His honor.  In my new job I want to be a light that shines for Him! 

I have been waiting about two weeks for an answer on the job I really wanted.  It took them almost a month to start interviewing.  By the time they had called me I had given up and figured they had already interviewed and hired someone.  I know the lady told me they would let me know "soon" about the job, but I figured it would be within a week at least or  a day or two after Labor Day.  Now all I can do is pray and believe they will call me before this weekend and tell me they are offering me the job.  If not I'll call them on Monday.  

God bless!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Candelabra 9/3/10

My little Mama came by yesterday and gave me a wonderful surprise.  I had mentioned that I was wanting a candelabra to put on my kitchen table.  She had gone for her weekly Good Will Hunting spree and brought me this wonderful little candelabra which was perfect for my table.

I took my steel wool and rubbed it all over to smooth out any bumps and to get any rust off.  I then took my trusty can of black spray paint and gave it a good layer of black.  I let it dry overnight and then took my can of metallic bronze and gave it a light spray over.   Well, except for the middle holder where I got a little heavy on spraying.  I'm thinking about spraying some black over that portion so it won't stand out so much.  Will have to do that tomorrow after church.

 I'll give you the after photo when I am done.  Naw, I'll just leave it this way since I am putting some greenery around it.