Monday, May 2, 2011


Since I have not done any on my gratitude list since before Christmas I decided tonight would be a good time to pick it back up!!

66.  For my Jesus date chair
67.  My daughters loving me enough to buy the Jesus date chair
       for me for a Mothers Day present.
68.  My Mom giving the lamp and foot stool I needed to go with
       my new Jesus date chair!  Yea!

69.  For the rain we've been having for the past week.
70.  Having a three week sabbatical from being the
       projector person at church.
71.  Finally having a backup on the projector at church
       PRAISE GOD!
72.  Being able to make the laundry soap recipe and fixing
       labels for each jar.

73.  A job where I am alone most of time when I work and
       I am able to praise God out loud or pray in the Spirit out loud.
74.  Good neighbor who shared her food bounty with me.
75.  Finally finding the right color to paint my bedroom.

1 comment:

  1. You certainly do have a lot to be grateful for. Thanks for sharing with us...we all need to update our lists.
