If it doesn't come from the heart it doesn't mean much! I thank God he has been so good to me and sometimes my heart explodes out into song of thanks to Him.
46. I got to see my oldest daughter, her husband and my grandson this weekend. What fun we had together.
47. For my daughter helping me bring Christmas decorations in from my shed.
48. For being able to use the new program at church for the songs and scripture! WOW it was quick and easy and no hang ups!!
49. For being able to find Spiderman 3 for $1.96 at Walmart.
50. For someone blessing me with my way paid to our church banquet! YEA!!
51. For getting a set of saw horses (I'm not sure what the correct word is for them but that's what I've always heard them called) at the awesome price of $13.56 (includes tax). They hold up to 500 lbs. (when will I ever have something that heavy to put on them). Thank God I held out and didn't buy any before Sears had their black Friday sale. Everywhere else I looked I could only buy one for that price or even for a higher price. Thank God for black Friday specials!!
52. For an awesome Thanksgiving with my sister and her family less her youngest daughter, my Mom and my friend Liz. We really enjoyed all the different foods we all fixed. Not your normal Thanksgiving fare but it was fun and different!
53. For only working 1/2 day on Friday. Got off at 12:30!!
54. For my son-in-law figuring out why my Christmas tree would not light up.
55. For OU beating OSU Saturday night. An awesome game. It was a real on the edge of your seat game.
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