Friday, June 24, 2016

Being Thankful

I have not posted for a little over a week now.  Problem is I ended up with a sinus infection and fluid behind me ear that kept me in bed for about 4 days till the antibiotics kicked in.  I'm doing two weeks worth of thanksgiving to God this Thursday instead of just one.

56.  Grateful  I have a job that pays me for sick days.  Bad migraine type  headache so stayed home and slept.

June 11th
57.  Able to get up and do housework
58.  Grateful the headache is dull and not hurting that bad

June 12th
59.  I have a church family that will pray for me when I am sick or going through a tough time.  Knowing this helps me know I am not alone when I am sick or hurting or need help.
60.  Headache finally completely gone.

June 13th
61.  Enough work to day to keep me busy nearly all day.

June 14th
62.  First Aid and CPR class was enjoyable.  Really liked the hands on portion of class.
63.  Made appointment to go to doctor.   Have a sinus infection and fluid behind my ear.
       Thank God for antibiotics and pills to kick dizziness.

June 15th
64.   May feel like crap but Praise God I am healed by the stripes of Jesus
despite what it looks like or feels like.
65.   Slept most of the day. Day 1 of no work

June 16th
66.  Finally antibiotics beginning to kick in! Day 2 of no work

June 17th
67.  Finally woke up with just a mild head ache and a wee bit of dizziness. Day 3 no work

June 18th
68.  No headache or dizziness. PTL
69  Thank God for antibiotics and dizziness pills.  Wonderful to feel free of no headaches or dizziness.
70.  Neighbor asked if I could  drive her pickup to take her to Gainesville,TX to pick up her hubby.  Nice trip down and back talking and enjoying day.
71.  Glad to get home.  There's no place like home.

June 19th
72.  Quiet day resting before going back to work.
73.  Friend dropped by to check on me.  Had an enjoyable time talking with her.

June 20th
74.  Yard got mowed!   Love a nice looking, freshly mowed yard.

June 21st
75.  Finally got a long nights sleep.  Felt good this morning when I woke up.
76.  Slow day at work but glad I still have a job.
77.  Started working on my schedule to clean/de-clutter my home inside and out.

June 22nd
78.  It's hump day. Only two more days of work before the weekend.
79. Lots of work to keep me busy all day

Being grateful that I am well and alive!! See ya'll next week.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Hello, how is everyone? Thought I would put up this picture of my family we did at Christmas one year.  This was before we had to put my precious Momma in a nursing home. My oldest daughter, her family and me are on the left.  Youngest daughter and family behind my little Momma. On the right is my sister and her family. 

I've missed the past three  weeks. Sheesh, didn't realize it has been that long.  They have been busy, and I completely forgot to do a post for Thursday.  Again I forgot to take pictures which I could kick myself for. Getting back into the groove of taking pictures and remembering to blog is tough when life gets busy!  But if ya'll will be patient with me I'll get back to making it a habit!!  So on with my giving thanks for the smalls, the bigs and everything in between in my life.

June 2
39.   A wonderful day off!  Did hardly anything. Just enjoyed relaxing.
June 3
40.  1/2 day vacation and 1/2 day comp time. A nice long weekend with family.
41.  A safe trip to Tulsa

June 4
42. A fun morning with me and both my DD and their families berry picking. Yummy blackberries and blueberries.  Got enough to freeze and enjoy for later on in the summer. 
43. Fun rest of the day with youngest DD thrift shopping and garage sale shopping. 
44. An enjoyable evening with my family plus my niece and nephew-in-law eating, talking and laughing.

June 5
45.  Stayed home with youngest DD family and watched the latest Star War movie. I skipped church, oh my.
46.  Stopped in Rush Springs fruit/vegetable stand and bought some fresh homegrown garden tomatoes. YUM!! One of many things I love that God made.
47.  Safe trip back home.

June 6
48.  A great day at work.  Busy ALL day. PTL
49.  Took fur baby to vet. Issue was allergies, so vet gave him an allergy shot.

June 7
50.  My fur baby slept all night without scratching or grooming himself.  Shot is taking effect! His ears are cool instead of burning hot and his eyes are clear and happy.  He's a purring happy boy.
51.  Nice short road trip to Chickasha with my best friend to check out a thrift store.
52.  Found a Stanley thermos in excellent shape.  Great to take soup with me to work in the winter.
53.  Wonderful time eating at Western Sizzlin' and good conversation with my best friend.

June 8
54.  Went to doctor to have mole checked out that had changed. After checking it out he stated it was ok and frozen it.
55.  All flowers repotted. YEA.  But did find one set of 3 I had forgotten about.  Will do it tomorrow evening after work.

See ya'll tomorrow.  Making every Friday a Vintage Find's
