YEA!! Not in the same department as before, thank God, but in a newly created one. I knew I would never be back unless it was a God thing and this definitely was one. I had a friend I used to work with when I was in A/P (Accounts Payable). She had left about 7 months before I did. We kept in contact during those 3 1/2 years. We both found out we missed the benefits that we used to have at Halliburton. Last year our old A/P supervisor called us both on the same day to let us know he was offering us temporary jobs for about "six months". We both knew the temp jobs would turn into full time. She took the job, but I declined because I was working full time at a job I really loved. No benefits at the job, but figured God had taken care of me for 3 1/2 years He would continue until I was hired back full time, if at all. My friend finally got hired back in A/P and she's happy as a clam. She kept me up on all the job postings for A/P, but I never felt peaceful about applying for any of them. One day she called and told me they were hiring for a new dept that was going to be at the Technology Center here in Duncan. Technology is an awesome building to work in. It's like being in the country with lush grounds and a huge pond in the back with picnic tables to sit and eat lunch at. I thought about it for a couple of weeks and finally went on line and put in my application.
Fast forward about 3 weeks later--I got an interview!!! I went in on Friday the 13th of April for the interview. She stated they would let me know by Monday afternoon. I had told God that if He wanted me back at Halliburton then He would open the door for me to come back. The funny thing was when I was leaving the interview I started to say "Thank you for interviewing me" and it came out "Thank you for hiring me!" The lady who was interviewing me was the supervisor over the dept. She said, "You've got lots of confidence." I laughed and said, "I was trying to say Thank you for interviewing me, but yes I do hope you hire me."
Saturday I went on line to look at my emails and found an job offer letter from Halliburton. I had received it Friday afternoon about 5:30 pm. I immediately sent back the offer letter with the accept checked. I was so excited! Never believe the myth that Friday the 13th is bad!! That's just something else the devil likes us to believe! It's just another day, but for me that Friday the 13th was wonderful. Now I have medical insurance, dental, vision, life insurance and much more. PLUS, and this is the God thing--I got all my time back and vacation back just as if I had never left. Now wouldn't you say that was God thing? I definitely would. I started training on April 30th. Figure I'll stay here until Papa tells me to move on or quit or whatever, but until then I'm going to enjoy being back! I'm really enjoying the job and the nice thing is I go in at 11:30 am and work till 8:00 pm, so I can be here in case Alaska or the West Coast has any questions about anything and so I can cover all the work queues for that area. I do have a partner in crime (LOL) who stays also, so I'm not totally by myself, well, except when either of us are on vacation or out for the day. The downside to the job at this point is the work can be slow at times and that I don't like. I want to stay busy, but I thank God I am back here and that He placed me in the building I always wanted to be in. Here's an aerial view of the Technology Center in Duncan. See the first long building? I'm in the back half of that building. This is only temporary until they have our offices setup and then we will be in the very last building by the oil rig.
Had to tell all my blog friends the good news. And, oh yes, forgot to add this the pay is much better!!
All I have to say God is good ALL THE TIME!!
Ya'll have blessed rest of the week!!!
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