Sunday, February 26, 2012

Organizing My Earrings

Hello everyone.  I haven't posted anything for a long time. Yes, I know ya'll already realize that, but for the past several months I have spent so much time on the computer at work that I just haven't wanted to get on it when I come home. PLUS  I've been having computer problems.  The problem has been fixed, YEA! So
on  to better things--I haven't been crafting much, but this weekend I had a sudden desire to have all my earrings in a place where the pairs would be easier to find.  So, I started thinking about what I needed to do to get my earrings organized.

This was ok for awhile but I got tired of dumping them out on the dresser to find the matching earrings I wanted to wear that day.  What I wanted was something easy not complicated.  Something I could do over the weekend. Well, it finally hit me what I needed.

Here's what I came up with. As stated nothing complicated but easy! I'm not sure if I had seen something similar in someone's blog or not, but if I did I cannot remember whose it was or I would give them credit.

Scrapbook paper, 8x10 picture frame and some plastic craft mesh--hey that's what I call it. What it's really called, well your guess is as good as mine!  I found it in the craft section of Walmart.  I spray painted the picture frame with some black spray paint I already had on hand.   Started to paint it orange and glaze it with a brown glaze, but decided black would do. As for getting the paper onto the plastic mesh lets just say modge podge did not work for me so I ended up taping the edges.  People won't see the edges so figured that would work ok.  I then took a long hat pin I had and poked each little square in the mesh from the backside where I wanted to hang an earring.  Easy-peasy!  Here's the finished results.
Probably should have used a bigger frame, but this will do.  Now I know at a glance which pair to get!!  It was fun to make.  Could have had it finished in a day, but this weekend was cool and it took about 12 hours for one coat to dry. Be glad when it warms up some so I can really get my crafting mojo on and paint will dry fast.

Ya'll have a blessed week!