Sunday, April 25, 2010

Music and

Hello, guess it's been a while. Too much going on (LOL)for me to write. Now for any of you who truly know me you will know that is not true!! I guess what it boils down to I don't have much to say or let's just face it my life at this point is rather BORING! That I believe is subject to change this year!!

I did find something by accident on the internet that I really enjoy. It's a website called It's free!! One of my favorite things. It allows you to set up a station and pull over artists you really enjoy hearing. Did I ever have a fun time finding a bunch of the old songs I grew up listening to. One's such as Neil Diamond, Journey, Phil Collins, Eric Carmen, Michael Bolton, Mr. Mister, Chicago, The Righteous Bros just to name a few. My children would remember most of the ones I pulled over. The only problem with the whole deal is once you pull over an artist it plays any of their songs, so you have to mark each song as they play as ones you either dislike or like. That's o.k.!! It just means you get to hear songs you might not have heard before. Like the Eagles Waiting In The Weeds. It's a catchy tune, so I had to go look at the lyrics. They're not bad just about a guy who loves a woman who left him for some one else.

Even though I mostly listen to Christian music sometimes I like to go back and listen to some of the oldies that I enjoyed. Now I'm not saying if you looked on my media player all you would find is Christian. Nope, not true I have Enya, Andrea Bocelli, Kenny Rogers, Simon & Garfunkel,etc. You probably could say it's 1/2 and 1/2 at this point.

I believe God loves music of all kinds. I'm not saying He listens to the music that has cursing or telling you to kill, have affairs, etc, or anything contrary to who He is, but I believe God enjoys music since He is definitely the creator of it. And I bet He rocks to Skillet, Tobymac and Don Henley's "Heart of the Matter", or even Neil Diamond's new song "Pretty Amazing Grace", which by the way is a really good song. I mean I believe He (God) is the one's who utlitimately gives people thier lyrics! Well, not those of the cursing, go have an affair type songs. Those definintely come from the hell!!

There's lots of awesome music out there that is clean and great to listen to. Course my children and I differ on what I consider great and clean versus some of the stuff they listen to. (LOL) But that's just part of the differences between generations! I tend to lean toward what I consider love songs but for me I can bust out into some music that for my generation of growing up in the 70's and 80's would be considered rocky. I like some of the old Guess Who/Doors/Creme, etc. Although I will not allow myself to listen to them very much since that's not what I want to get down into the depths of me!!

The thing is it's usually the music that grabs me first and then I have to listen to the lyrics. At times the lyrics are trash and it just ruins the beauty of the music for me. Ah, what can I say it's the world we live in today that can take the beauty of a well written score and screw it up with trashy words, which ruins the whole thing!!

I'll stop here since you've heard some of what I feel regarding music. Maybe it's my age and all but thank you I will stick to music that's slow and easy to the ear!! HA HA!!!

Feel free to comment as I know my darling daughter probably will. LOVE YA KIM!! You're just the second greatest thing God gave me and I wouldn't trade you for anyone else!!

I think I am finished editing this for the third time so maybe I'll just leave it as is!!

All, have a very blessed week!